PowerHouse Members

Julia Altemus

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Current Position

President and co-founder


JSJ International, Inc.




Missoula County

Specialty Areas

  • Conservation
  • Government & Politics


writing, communication and public speaking

I am looking to connect with other women who own businesses, to share resources and experiences and be a hand-up to someone else.

Leadership Experience

Lead in energy and natural resource policy development for the US congress for 14 years. Selected to serve on the Western Governor's Association Advisory Committee for 11 years, the US Secretary of Agriculture's Advisory Committee for 2 years and the U of M Bureau of Business and Economic Research Advisory Committee for 3 years. All were as a result of in-depth knowledge of crafting public policy in the energy and natural resources sector. Assisted in the development of a set of natural resource restoration principles on public lands in Montana with a large-stakeholder committee through the guiding principles of collaboration and consensus building.


How I want to participate in PowerHouse

I am available to offer feedback or guidance in the areas of sustainable natural resource practices or business development, marketing, fundraising, and communications.