PowerHouse Blog

Why is Solitude so Difficult?

January 01, 2018  |  By Erika Rasmussen

By Pamela Bussi, Big Sky PowerHouse

Why is Solitude so difficult?

Most of my days are spent with people, on the computer, or busy doing things. Being an extrovert, I enjoy being with, and surrounded by people, sounds and stimulation.

I have realized that to keep my energy high:
I need quiet time.
I need to detach.
I have chosen to start my days in quiet, peace and solitude.

Quiet time, solitude and silence are so important. I meditate and focus. It is a time to get to know myself, and empower my day with a positive WORD. Get to know yourself and enjoy yourself, feel whole with yourself. Know our powers and passions.

I fight for my time in the morning. My mind is busy and excited for the day, ready to check my Facebook, Instagram, Email, and on and on…… Sometimes, to combat this, I make myself sit on the toilet and journal for 20 minutes. Just me, my pen, thoughts and journal. No phone or computer, No radio or television.

My suggestion for today is: Don’t focus on the rest of your day, your current struggles or plans. Quiet your mind and focus on a positive word for the day. Reflect rather than act.