PowerHouse Blog

How Much Money are you Allowed to Make?

June 19, 2018  |  By Erika Rasmussen

By Billings PowerHouse, Scotti Moser As a whole new class of women graduates from high school and colleges around the nation, many of them exit with baggage. Actually it’s more like anchors that they are completely unaware of. In fact, most women, regardless of graduation date, carry such anchors around with them every day. Unfortunately the anchors I’m talking about affect one of the most important areas of our lives, our money. The amounts of money that we allow ourselves to make, to save and spend are all controlled by subconscious set points, most of which were set when we were very young, and mostly without our knowledge. We downloaded them from our family and society. If you’ve ever felt like no matter how much you make “it’s never enough” or if your savings account or income never seem to move in a positive direction, it’s almost certainly because you are hitting a subconscious set point. There are seven main areas of subconscious beliefs that operate largely under our radar. In fact, we view them as so true that they are seen and described as “reality” or “just the way things are.” If we hold negative or false beliefs in any of these seven areas, it can effectively put a set point on our ability to earn more money. Our income will never waver much above or below this point, regardless of job status or hours worked. Here’s a quick exercise to determine whether you have a false belief pattern in the first of the seven areas. Picture yourself around the ages of six or seven, if an image a little older or younger pops into your mind, that’s okay. Now picture your parents entering the picture. They are talking about money. What are they saying? How are they acting? Are they fighting? What is the atmosphere in the room? Tense? Anxious? Turn your attention to your child self. How do you feel? What do you look like? What do you want to do? Escape? Hide? Run away? If the child in this visualization experienced any negative emotions during that visualization, it is indicative of the mental programming you absorbed around money. Odds are, you still carry that programming today. It likely affects your day-to-day life. If every time you think about money, you get nervous, anxious or fearful, this is where it started and this is what has to be released before you will feel consistently better about your finances. Turning our attention back to your visualization, let the child you go. Picture yourself as an adult pulling up in a limo. You are fulfilling your life purpose doing something that you love. You work less than twenty hours a week and make well over six figures. You get massages and indulge in relaxing activities regularly. What is your parents’ reaction? Are they angry? Scared? Yelling at you? How do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable? Like you stepped way out of line? Embarrassed? Rebellious? Angry? If your parents’ reaction or your feelings about it were fearful and anxious, this indicates a root level negative belief that is setting your income at a level that is deemed acceptable by your family of origin. In the alternative, if your parents’ reaction was anger and you felt rebellious, your finances are likely following a boom and bust cycle – you create big and then lose it all. There are real costs associated with these types of subconscious beliefs, and they directly inhibit your ability to make money and accumulate wealth. Until we release the subconscious anchors holding us back, there will indeed by a set point, an inner glass ceiling, that allows us to make only a certain amount of money.